“城乡居民”对应的英文单词有:urban and rural residents ,一共1个,具体意思及用法如下:
urban and rural residents城乡居民
南通城乡居民residents in Nantong
城乡居民收入比Ratio of Income
城乡居民收入urban and rural income;income of urban and rural residents
城乡居民低保制度subsistence allowance system for both urban and rural residents
城乡居民旅游recreational travel
湖北城乡居民Hubei urban and rural residents
城乡居民基本医保basic medical insurance for rural and non-working urban residents
城乡居民收入差距urban and rural income gap
城乡居民人均收入per capita income for both urban and rural residents;per capita income of urban and rural residents;per capita urban and rural income;per-capita income of residents both in cities and rural areas