

“和她在一起”对应的英文单词有:con ella ,一共1个,具体意思及用法如下:

con ella和她在一起


他和她在一起的主张He stands with her

和她呆在一起spend with her

和她埋葬在一起的alone with her name

珍惜和她在一起的时光Treasure with her time;With her time treasure

她和你在一起She was with you

或许我应该和她在一起When she thought up that I should be with you

你还会和她在一起吗Do you and her together;You will also with her;You will do with her

我打破了和她在一起I broke with her

我喜欢和她在一起I enjoy being with her;I like it with her;I love her with