

“遇到困难”对应的英文单词有:in a jam、run into a stone wall、in trouble ,一共3个,具体意思及用法如下:

in a jam<;美,口>;困境

run into a stone wall一鼻子灰

in trouble处于不幸中,在监禁中;出漏子;八方受困


当我们遇到困难When we encounter difficulties;When we meet difficulties

看到有人遇到困难Saw some people meet difficultly;See encountered difficulties

我们没遇到困难We Had No Difficulty

遇到困难不要灰心Do not be discouraged difficulties;Don't be discouraged encountered difficulties;Difficult not to lose heart

遇到困难不退缩Difficulties do not back down;Difficulty does not flinch

遇到困难时When faced with difficulties;When they are in trouble;Difficulties encountered

你遇到困难时When you encounter difficulties;When you're in trouble

别人遇到困难时turn one's back