

“四口人”对应的英文单词有:four of us ,一共1个,具体意思及用法如下:

four of us四口人


家有四口人There are four people;There are four-person

我家有四口人My home four mouth people;My family has four people;My family had a four-person

她家有四口人Her family had a four-person;Her family has four people

他家有四口人His family has four people;His family had a four-person

我家四口人Somos cuatro

我的家庭有四口人My family has a four-person;My family has four people;My home four mouth people

他的家庭有四口人His family has a four-person;His home four mouth people;His family has four people

一共有四口人A total of four people

我们家有四口人Our family has four people;Our family had a four-person