

“回忆过去”对应的英文单词有:cast one's mind back ,一共1个,具体意思及用法如下:

cast one's mind back回顾,回忆


输家回忆过去Losers see the past

回忆过去没有意义no use looking back or wondering

回忆起过去的一幕幕And I recall the moment of them all

唯一回忆过去的Only memories of the past

当我回忆过去When I look back on these days

不再回忆过去No longer recall past;No longer remembers past

回忆起我过去的命运Of fortunes past my way

回忆起过去Recall the past;Recalled in the past;recalled their past

回忆过去的美好时光Recollect the good old days;Recall past time happy