

“对严格”对应的英文单词有:be strict with ,一共1个,具体意思及用法如下:

be strict with对。。。严格, 对。。。严历


她对人严格She was the strict;She strictly;She was strictly

对我严格要求be strict with me

对严格一些be firm with

老师对学生严格Teacher to student in strict;The teacher-student strict;Strict teacher-student

对某人严格To somebody strict;Strict a person;be strict with sb;To someone strictly

她对人严格和对事严格She strictly and to strictly

对我很严格For I am very strict

对某人严格要求be strict with sb;Strict requirements for a person;Stringent requirements of a person

对事严格要求Stringent requirements