

“签订合同”对应的英文单词有:award a contract、sign a contract、conclude an agreement、award of contract ,一共4个,具体意思及用法如下:

award a contract[财]签订合同

sign a contract签约;签合同

conclude an agreement订约

award of contract决标,授标


谈判和签订合同Negotiation and contract sign-off

签订合同通知书notice of award;notification of award;notification of the contract

均可签订合同May Enter Into Contracts

为签订合同干杯Drink to the signing of our contract

乙方签订合同并收Contract and received

签订合同人员Contracting Officer

直接签订合同direct contracting

一般分别以签订合同execution of the contract

签订合同阶段building to contract