

“坚决反对”对应的英文单词有:set one's face against、set oneself against、put one's foot down ,一共3个,具体意思及用法如下:

set one's face against坚决反对,抵制

set oneself against坚决反对;与人为敌;作对

put one's foot down坚决,坚决反对;毅然决然


杰克坚决地反对Jack Adamantly Refuses

坚决反对某事物.be dead against sth

坚决反对某人或某物set one's face against sb./sth

坚决反对这个建议flatly oppose this suggestion

坚决反对判决stand out against a verdict

坚决反对和强烈抗议firm opposition and strong protest

而坚决反对But Actively Fought Against

这是我们坚决反对的This is what we firmly opposed to that;This is firmly opposed to