

“赏月”对应的英文单词有:enjoy the glorious full moon、admire the full moon ,一共2个,具体意思及用法如下:

enjoy the glorious full moon赏月

admire the full moon赏月


中秋赏月appreciate the moon during the mid-autumn festival;Mooncake;Mid-Autumn Festival;gaze at the full moon on

便开始赏月Began to celebrate the;Started full moon

赏月航班moon-viewing flights

赏月观星套房Moon-enjoying and Star-viewing Suite

香港民众中秋赏月karen millen channel;christian louboutin in london;christian louboutin platform

播放赏月舞Dancing to the moon

赏月舞Dancing to the Moon

赏月丸子moon dumpling

然后我们出来赏月Then we out Moon