

“负责”对应的英文单词有:be responsible for、preside over、conscientious、answer for、be in charge of ,一共5个,具体意思及用法如下:

be responsible for为…负责,形成…的原因;主管

preside over主持(会议、仪式等);管理,对(某事物)负有责任


answer for符合(…需要);对…负责;许诺;充当…

be in charge of管理;负责;职掌;主管


声称负责administration regime claim responsibility for;administration , regime, claim responsibility for

负责某事be in charge of sth;take charge of sth;in charge of

双重负责Dual Responsibility

负责治理in charge of;take charge of

负责干部cadre in charge

全权负责full charge of;DANIYA;get a free hand;YOVOGUE

负责人cadre in charge

提早负责early responsibility

负责人员responsible officer;functionary;responsible personnel;subject officer

负责单位responsible department;re o ible department;amenable administration;amenable abandonment

自行负责at one's own risk;Responsible;on one's own account;Be responsible for