“吃午饭”对应的英文单词有:have lunch ,一共1个,具体意思及用法如下:
have lunch吃午餐
没有吃完午饭Not after lunch;No lunch;There is no lunch
你吃完午饭没有After lunch you no;You do not eat lunch
吃完午饭After lunch;Lunch
刚吃过午饭Just lunch;Just dined
匆匆吃顿午饭make a hasty lunch
只是吃个午饭Just eat lunch;Just for lunch;Just eat a meal
刚吃完午饭Just after lunch;just finished the lunch;After lunch
吃完午饭没有Lunch is not;No lunch;After lunch there is no
吃过午饭了吗Eaten lunch yet;dined