

“达成协议”对应的英文单词有:come to terms、close a bargain、come to an agreement、strike a bargain、make terms ,一共5个,具体意思及用法如下:

come to terms达成协议,妥协,让步

close a bargain达成协议,成交

come to an agreement说妥;谐;达成协议;敲定

strike a bargain达成协议, 成交

make terms达成协议


老板他达成协议boss for his agreement

已经达成协议An agreement had been reached;Agreement has been reached

和某人达成协议make a pact with sb;come to terms with somebody

调解达成协议agreement reached through mediation

听起来达成协议sounds according

与某人达成协议come to terms with sb;make terms with sb;come to an agreement with sb;make a bargain with sb


与同学达成协议Agreement with the students

促成双方达成协议help to bring about an agreement between the two parties