

“时间到了”对应的英文单词有:time is up、time out ,一共2个,具体意思及用法如下:

time is up时间到了,时间已到

time out[体]暂停比赛时间;[计]超时


上学时间到了it's time for class;It's Time For School

你的时间到了your time is up

早餐时间到了Breakfast time is up;Breakfast time to

偿还的时间到了Payback time

午饭时间到了Lunch time to;It's time for lunch;Lunch time is up

吃饭时间到了Time to eat;Dinner time to;Dinner time is up

上床睡觉时间到了Time to go to bed;Time has gone to bed

吃饭的时间到了yohji han desu

下班时间到了Time to work;Time out;After working hours to