“保持冷静”对应的英文单词有:keep one's head、keep one's hair on ,一共2个,具体意思及用法如下:
keep one's head不动声色;泰然处之;保持冷静;处之泰然
keep one's hair on保持镇定
务必保持冷静must keep your equanimity
请保持冷静please remain calm;Please Stay Calm
保持冷静乐声Keep Your Cool Roxy
保持冷静态度without turning a hair;Remained calm attitude
总是保持冷静Always staying low
保持冷静的态度without turning a hair
始终保持冷静immer cool bleiben;Always Keep Your Cool
尽量保持冷静Try to keep calm;Keep calm
保持冷静和自信Maintain your composure and your confidence