

“打破僵局”对应的英文单词有:find a way out of a stalemate、break the ice、break a deadlock ,一共3个,具体意思及用法如下:

find a way out of a stalemate打破僵局

break the ice打破冷场;起步;打破僵局;抛砖引玉

break a deadlock打破僵局


似乎能打破僵局break the tie

未来打破僵局Coming out of the impasse;Future will break the deadlock;Future to break the stalemate

打破僵局/沉默to break the ice

打破僵局或沉默break the ice

打破僵局或冷场break the ice

声称已打破僵局claim to have broken the deadlock

他们正打破僵局They are breaking the ice

打破僵局-break the deadlock