

“人文科学学院”对应的英文单词有:faculty of arts ,一共1个,具体意思及用法如下:

faculty of arts文学院;艺术学院


人文与科学学院Arts and Sciences;Faculty of Humanities and Sciences;School of Humanities and Sciences

艺术和人文科学学院Faculty of Arts and Human Sciences

其中以人文科学学院Liberal Arts and Sciences

音乐与人文科学学院School of Music and Humanties

人文及社会科学学院School of Humanities Arts and Social Sciences;School of Humanities, Arts, and Social Sciences

人文社会科学学院Humanities & Social Science

自然人文科学学院College of Human Sciences

人文及科学学院College of Arts and Sciences

人文和人文科学学院College of Liberal Arts and Human Sciences