

“中值定理”对应的英文单词有:mean value theorem、intermediate value theorem ,一共2个,具体意思及用法如下:

mean value theorem均值定理

intermediate value theorem介值定理,中值定理


拉格朗日微分中值定理the Lagrange differential theorem of mean

局部复中值定理local mean value theorem

广义中值定理Generalized mean value theorems

最小平方中值定理least median of squares

微分中值定理differential mean value theorem;differential Theorem of Mean;Mean value theorem of differential

罗尔中值定理Rolle mean value theorem

柯西中值定理[数] Cauchy mean value theorem;Lagrange's mean value theorem;Cauchy intermediate value theorem

泰勒中值定理Taylor mean value theorem

积分中值定理mean value theorem of integrals