

“最后一刻”对应的英文单词有:eleventh hour、last minute ,一共2个,具体意思及用法如下:

eleventh hour最后一刻,危急之时

last minute最后一刻,紧急关头


到最后一刻at the last minute

最后一刻的通知the last minute notice

逗留到最后一刻stay until the last dog is hung dog

最后一刻入住奖励Last Minute Reward Nights

在最后一刻at the eleventh hour;at the last minute

直至最后一刻Until The Last Moment;wait until the last minute

最后一刻的抵抗LMR;Last-minute resistance

直到最后一刻Until The Last Moment;wait until the last minute;wait until the final minute;Until the end

等到最后一刻wait until the last minute