

“届时”对应的英文单词有:when the time comes、at the appointed time、on the occasion ,一共3个,具体意思及用法如下:

when the time comes届时

at the appointed time[法]在指定时间;届时

on the occasion届时


届时美国铝业Alcoa Inc

届时三圣兄弟会Brotherhood of the holy Trinity

届时有茶太太Tea Lady

地点届时通知Notification will then place;Locations at which time notice;Location will notify

届时通知By that time notice;Then inform

届时你满怀盛情Und voll flammen sein

届时通行的the then prevailing

欢迎届时参加welcome participation by then;Then welcome to join

届时牛车水美食市场Chinatown Food Market