“小住”对应的英文单词有: to live at a place temporarily;to sojourn 丽江懒虫小住客栈Lan Chong Inn 小住汽车旅馆Stayinn Motel 韩国小住家庭酒店Stay Korea Hostel 居家小住The Cottage Life 桑卡西亚诺小住酒店San Cassiano Hotel 热带小住宾馆Perhentian Tropicana Inn 鼻小住nasal columellar与小住相关的短语
“小住”对应的英文单词有: to live at a place temporarily;to sojourn 丽江懒虫小住客栈Lan Chong Inn 小住汽车旅馆Stayinn Motel 韩国小住家庭酒店Stay Korea Hostel 居家小住The Cottage Life 桑卡西亚诺小住酒店San Cassiano Hotel 热带小住宾馆Perhentian Tropicana Inn 鼻小住nasal columellar与小住相关的短语