

“行气”对应的英文单词有:promoting the circulation of qi ,一共1个,具体意思及用法如下:

promoting the circulation of qi行气


行气药activating medicinal materials

行气通络promoting qi circulation and removing obstruction in the collateral(s)

行气止痛qi-activating drug

行气化痰法activating qi phlegm eliminating

行气法qi-promoting method

行气活血promoting flow of qi and blood circulation

行气化痰activating QI and eliminating phlegm

行气消瘀activating qi to resolve stagnation

行气剂qi-promoting prescription

行气解郁promoting qi circulation and relieving depression

温阳行气warming yang for activating qi-flowing

祛瘀行气Dissipate blood stasis and activate qi