

“计件”对应的英文单词有:by the job、reckon by the piece ,一共2个,具体意思及用法如下:

by the job计件

reckon by the piece计件


计件制unit depreciation method

计件搬运transportation of piece-work

计件工piecework;incentive operator;bsp

计件外衣针织机sweater strip machine

计件价格piece price;precio a destajo;[劳经] piecework price

计件工资piecework payment;piecework wages;piece rate wage;piece wages;efficiency wages;wages by the piece

计件报酬Piece-rate pay

计件工人piece worker;Akkordarbeiter

计件工资制piece-rate system;piecework system

计件产品piece product

计件超额工资above-norm piecework wages

计件折旧法unit depreciation method

计件工作Piece work;taskwork;jobbing

计件货物piece goods;packing goods

直接计件[劳经] straight piece rate