

“夜色”对应的英文单词有:the dim light of night、the shades、Color of Night ,一共3个,具体意思及用法如下:

the dim light of night夜色

the shades夜色,阴间

Color of Night[电影]夜色


夜色温柔The Great Gatsby Tender is the Night;A Soft Night;Tender Is the Night;Destruction of the

夜色套件Night Package

战栗夜色Night Train to Venice

薄雾夜色Mist and Noct

夜色曲棍球ESPN National Hockey Night

都市夜色City Night;Urban Night;The Shades of City

夜色雄风We Own the Night

夜色酒吧YES CLUB;Yes Bar;YES Cafe & Club