

“均方”对应的英文单词有:mean square ,一共1个,具体意思及用法如下:

mean square平均平方,均方,均方


均方回归mean-square regression

均方速度mean square velocity

误差的均方mean square of error

均方半径mean square radius of gyration

误差均方error mean square;mean square due to error

均方慢化长度mean square slowing-down length

均方位移mean square displacement

均方误差准则mean-square error criterion;square error criterion

最小均方误差MMSE;LMS;Least Mean Square

均方偏差mean-squared departure

均方逼近least square approximation

均方误差mean-square error

均方距离mean square distance

根均方速率root-mean-square speed;root mean square rate

均方离差{统} mean square deviation

均方差mean-square deviation

均方孔道直径mean-square channel diameter

均方连续continuous in mean;mean-square continuous

均方值quadratic mean;mean-square value;Mean Square;root mean square value

均方收敛convergence in mean square

均方偏移mean-square deviation

均方连续性[数] continuity in the mean;[数] mean square continuity