“地热”对应的英文单词有:the heat of the earth's interior、terrestrial heat、subterranean heat、geothermal energy ,一共4个,具体意思及用法如下:
the heat of the earth's interior地热
terrestrial heat地热
subterranean heat地下热
geothermal energy地热能
地热能源geothermal energy;Geothermal Power;geothermal resources
地热应力geothermal stress
地热换热器geothermal heat exchanger;Erdwrmetauscher
地热勘查geothermal prospecting
地热混合冷凝器geothermal mixture condenser
地热发电geothermal power generation
地热不凝结气体non-condensable gases in geothermal fluid
地热回灌Geothermal reinjection
地热调查[地质] geothermal survey
地热汽轮机geothermal steam turbine
地热电力geothermal power
地热能geothermal energy
地热井geothermal well
地热扩容器geothermal flash vessel
地热地暖Floor Heaters
地热现象[地物] geothermal phenomenon
地热发电厂geothermal power plant;geothermic (electro) power station;natural stream power plant
地热勘探[地质] geothermal prospecting;geothermal exploration
地热区geothermal area
地热变质作用geothermal metamorphism
地热法geothermal method