

“国务委员”对应的英文单词有:commissioner of state、state councillor ,一共2个,具体意思及用法如下:

commissioner of state[法]国务委员

state councillor[法]国务委员


国务委员会主席chairman of council of state;president of

国务委员会秘书secretary of council of state

国务委员会副主席vice president of state council;vice president of council of state;vice-pres

国务委员会委员member of state co;councillor of council of state;member of council of state

公共卫生国务委员commissioner of state for public health

中国国务委员Chinese State Councilor

土地事务国务委员commissioner of state for land affairs

最高国务委员会Supreme State Council

国务委员会Conseio de Estado;Council of State;ruling council of state of liberia;Council Complete of State