“吞吐”对应的英文单词有:mince one's words、take in and send out in large quantities、hem and haw、swallow and spit ,一共4个,具体意思及用法如下:
mince one's words吞吐
take in and send out in large quantities吞吐
hem and haw吞吞吐吐;哼哼哈哈;吞吐;哼儿哈儿
swallow and spit吞吐
吞吐率Requests per second;Throughput;Mpps;through-put rate
吞吐效果huff and puff effect
蒸汽吞吐huff and puff;steam huff and puff;steam soak
二氧化碳吞吐carbon dioxide huffing-puffing;CO_2 stimulation
吞吐库存“regulatory” stockpile
lpg吞吐lpg stimulation
高斯吞吐Gaussia new Blur
吞吐湖alternately inflow-outflow lake;river-connected lake
静态吞吐Motion Blur
吞吐量volume of freight handled;{计} throughput;handling capacity;cargo-handling capacity;loading and unloading capacity;volume of incoming and outcoming freights;thruput
吞吐时间throughput time
吞吐协议Enable Protocol Obfuscation