

“全程”对应的英文单词有:whole journey、whole course、omnidistance ,一共3个,具体意思及用法如下:

whole journey全程

whole course全程



全程合成de novo synthesis

全程轨迹track history

全程延迟均衡器mop-up delay equalizer

全程时间Block Time

开发全程Kyle Dunn

全程时限end to end time limit;The whole journey time;time limit from acceptance to delivery

全程均衡mop-up equalization

全程策划Full planning;Project plan creation;full-length planning

全程费率through rates

全程服务ALL LIFE SERVICE;One-on-one Full Service;Full Service;Sweeping service

全程单据through document

全程提单TB/L through bill of lading;house cl of ldriving instructorng;[交] through bill of lading;house bill of lading

全程变量global variable

全程试验full distance test

全程陪伴whole process-accompany;company labor

贯穿全程Throughout the whole process;Cross-cutting full

全程运价through rates

全程无忧Worriless Whole-process;secure all the way

全程运输through transit;through carriage

全程制导through transit;through carriage