“光束”对应的英文单词有:pencil、luminous flux、light pencil、light beam、beam of light ,一共5个,具体意思及用法如下:
luminous flux光通量(其单位为流明lumen);光束;光流
light pencil光束
light beam线偏振光束
beam of light光束
光束焊机light beam welding machine
光束分光镜light beam splitter
光束控制beam steering
光束示波器{电磁} light-beam oscillograph
光束分离{光} beam splitting
光束直径[光] beam diameter;Beam Diameter at Aperture
发散光束divergent pencil of rays;[光] divergent beam;diverging bundle
光束聚光部件{光谱} beam-condensing unit
光束比Beam ratio
光束偏转optical beam deflection;light beam deflection;beam rotation;beam steering
红外光束infrared beam;IR beam;red beam
光束扩展器optical beam expander
光束角度BEAM ANGLE;deg;Beam angel
光束扫描发射机light-beam transmitter
光束拾声器{工声} light-beam pickup
光束扫描电视摄像法ekstrom method
激光光束laser beam;Beam
牵引光束tractor beam
光束衰减器{光谱} beam attenuator
光束半径beam radius
光束武器Beam Weapon