“八宝”对应的英文单词有: eight treasures (choice ingredients of certain special dishes) 八宝茶杯Tea pot with lid 紫花八宝Hylotelephium mingjinianum 八宝糕eight-treasure pudding 八宝铁板ocho tesoros a la plancha 汤池八宝Hylotelephium tangchiense 八宝鸡丁diced chicken with assorted;diced chicken with assorted vegetables;eight treasures with diced chicken;eight-treasures diced chicked 八宝鸭steamed chicken stuffed with eight delicacies 八宝鸡steamed chicken stuffed with eight delicacies 八宝冰Eight treasures ice;Red bean with milk ice;Eight treacertains ice 八宝莲子yangmm 八宝豆腐beancurd with eight delicious;beancurd with eight delicious ingredients与八宝相关的短语