“依法”对应的英文单词有:secundun legem、by operation of law、in conformity with legal provisions、according to law ,一共4个,具体意思及用法如下:
secundun legem依法
by operation of law[法] 依法
in conformity with legal provisions依法
according to law[法]依照法律;依法
依法办事rule of law
依法仲裁arbitration in law
依法确定According to law to determine;According to law;Determined legally
依法治国the governance of the country must always be done according to the law;law-based governance;the rule of law;Goverment by Law
依法收税levy taxes according the law
依法抗争Rightful resistance;policy-based resistance
依法拆迁lawful housing demolition and relocation
依法办案handle cases according to law