

“人民”对应的英文单词有:dumb millions、the people、demos ,一共3个,具体意思及用法如下:

dumb millions人民

the people民;大众;人民

demos古希腊城邦平民,民众;演示,民主党员,样本唱片( demo的名词复数 )


人民检察院检察长chief procurator of the people's procuratorate

人民大众the broad masses of the people

人民解放军the People's Liberation Army

人民大会the Assembly of the people

人民公仆public servants;people's public servants;servant of the people

人民法院院长president of the people's court

人民文明the cultural caliber of the people

造福人民work for their interests;the benefit of people

人民战争the people’s war;the people's war

人民防空people's air defense;civil air defense

植根人民be part of the people

人民警察the people's police

人民教育people's education

人民富裕make the people more prosperous

人民政协the CPPCC;the Chinese People's Political Consultative Conference (CPPCC);The Chinese People’s Political Consultative Conference (CPPCC);CPPCC committees

人民法院[法] People's Court;Volksgerichtshof;people's tribunal;in the people's court

人民检察院people's procuratorate

人民日报People's Daily;s Daily

人民共和国people's republic

人民代表大会制system of people's congress

人民解放军毛泽东思想宣传队Mao Zedong Thought propaganda team of the People's Liberation Army