

“不辞”对应的英文单词有:be willing to ,一共1个,具体意思及用法如下:

be willing to乐于;甘;甘于;肯


我或不辞辛苦me or my sister

万死不辞Million dead without any hesitation

不辞辛苦做某事go out of one's way to do. Take great trouble to do sth. Go extra miles to do sth;take great trouble to do sth

不辞辛苦Make nothing of hardships;my sister;Unnatural hardship

达意不辞梦Mehran Djojan

不辞劳苦地做take the trouble to do

不辞劳苦的做take trouble to do sth

不辞劳苦Painstakingly;go to the trouble of;spare no pains;to take the trouble to

不辞辛劳地做take pains/trouble to do sth

不辞辛劳Tirelessly;take trouble to do;to take the pains to;go out of one's way