

“中外”对应的英文单词有:at home and abroad、China and foreign countries ,一共2个,具体意思及用法如下:

at home and abroad国内外;中外

China and foreign countries中外


中外文学Chinese and foreign literature;western and chinese literature

中外野center field;John Fogerty and Bruce Springsteen;Roger Bernadina

中外比extreme and mean ratio

中外法学Peking University Law Journal

中外论坛East West Forum

信孚中外to be trusted both at home and abroad

中外合股Chinese and foreign shareholders

中外关系Sino-foreign relation

驰名中外popular at home and abroad;popular both at home and abroad

中外名歌Chinese and foreign songs;Foreign Name Song

中外合营joint venture;a Sino-foreign equity joint venture

中外食品Global Food Industry

中外胚层Chinese and foreign shareholders