

“上诉”对应的英文单词有:institute an appeal、lodge an appeal、appeal to ,一共3个,具体意思及用法如下:

institute an appeal[法]提起上诉

lodge an appeal上诉

appeal to向…呼吁;诉诸武力;向…投诉;对…有吸引力


上诉要件important conditions of appeal

上诉种类class of appeals

上诉文件instrument of appeal

上诉中的附带诉讼incidental to an appeal

提出上诉appeal against;[法] entry of appeal;lodge an appeal;lodge enter an appeal

上诉状class of appeals

上诉程序procedure for appeal

上诉通知Notice of Appeal

中止上诉[法] respite of appeal;discontinuance of appeal

上诉法官judge in appeal


上诉费用costs of appeal

撤销上诉[法] abandonment of appeal

上诉审the appellate review;instance of appeal;[法] trial on appeal;appellate jurisdiction

上诉法院appeal;appellate court;[法] Court of Appeal;The Court of Appeals

上诉权right of appeal

上诉要点appeal brief

上诉委员会board of review

上诉书instrument of appeal

上诉理由grounds of appeal

上诉复审Appellate Review