“上口”对应的英文单词有:be able to read aloud fluently、make smooth reading、back cut ,一共3个,具体意思及用法如下:
be able to read aloud fluently上口
make smooth reading一气呵成
back cut追口;上口;顶部切槽;回切口
上口鱼r mouth
胸廓上口[解剖] apertura thoracis superior
上口缝epistomal suture
领上口roll collar;fold line of collar;roll line
郎朗上口Free Chatting
琅琅上口Catchy;easy to pronounce;LALAOK
骨盆上口[解剖] superior pelvic aperture;aditus ad pelvis;[解剖] apertura pelvis superior;pelvic brim
声门上口aditus glottidis superior
朗朗上口Catchy;readability;Trip off the tongue;Mayday