“社会科学”对应的英文单词有:social science、social sciences ,一共2个,具体意思及用法如下:
social science社会科学
social sciences社会科学( social science的名词复数 )
社会科学家social scientist
社会科学心理学[心理] social science psychology;cultural science psychology;Psychology
社会科学学士Social Science;Master of Social Science;Bachelor of Social Science;BA in Social Science
社会科学历史学家social science historians
甘肃社会科学Gansu Social Sciences
社会科学引文索引SSCISocial Sciences Citation Index;ssci;Social Sciences Citation Index;SocIal ScIence CItatIon Index-SSCI
社会科学技术化the scientificalization and technicalization of society
社会科学研究Research in the Social Sciences;MSc Social Science Research;Social Science Research;AISSR