“白肉”对应的英文单词有:plain boiled pork ,一共1个,具体意思及用法如下:
plain boiled pork白肉
麻辣白肉meat with cayenne pepper;braised pork tendons;meat with caye e pe er
白肉洋参clarified ginseng;clarified
蒜泥白肉Pork with Garlic Sauce;shredded pork with garlic sauce;sliced pork with chopped garlic
白肉金枪鱼white meat tuna
云南白肉Yunnan Fat Pork
白肉机器hd -a
酥白肉fat pork slices in sugar
白肉火锅Pork cooked in hot pot
白肉枇杷white pulp loquat