

“实际出发”对应的英文单词有:proceed from the actual situation、start from the actual and present facts、in perspective of the present reality ,一共3个,具体意思及用法如下:

proceed from the actual situation实际出发

start from the actual and present facts实际出发

in perspective of the present reality实际出发


一切从实际出发proceed from reality in all

正从地域实际情况出发Proceeding from the geographical realities;Being from a geographical realities

从实际出发独立的儿童separate kids from reality

从工程实际出发From An Engineering Reality

实际出发时间[航] actual time of departure;Will Depart;ATD

从实际出发From reality;Be Realistic;Proceed from reality;Proceeding from the actual

从客观实际出发proceed from oBjective realities

坚持一切从实际出发We should base ourselves on reality in everything we do