

“我的向往”对应的英文单词有:i desire ,一共1个,具体意思及用法如下:

i desire我的向往


我向往的地方where i want to be

不必在乎我的向往It doesn't matter what I want

和我最真挚的向往And all I truly believe

向日葵我热衷的向往I am keen yearning sunflower;Sunflower I yearn;I am eager longing sunflowers

我向往的马尔代夫I aspire to Maldives;I yearn for the Maldives

我向往的生活The life I desired

我向往的I yearn for the;I look forward to;I aspire to

我是眼中的向往I'm expecation in the eyes

我向往的美好工作My deam job