“进口报关单”对应的英文单词有:customs entry ,一共1个,具体意思及用法如下:
customs entry海关手续[登记]
免税品进口报关单[税收] transhipment free entry
免税货色进口报关单entry for free goods
进口商报关单importer'sentryofgoods;importer's entry of goods
完税进口报关单[贸易] entry for home use
应纳税商品进口报关单entry for dutiable goods
入栈货物进口报关单entry for warehousing
核对进口报关单据Check documents of imports, make documents of exports, and make record accordingly
进口货物报关单goods declaration for implortation;ENTRYDECLARATION;Import declaration;Import Declaration Form
免税货物进口报关单entry for free goods