

“疮疡”对应的英文单词有:skin and external diseases、swelling and ulcer on the body surface ,一共2个,具体意思及用法如下:

skin and external diseases疮疡

swelling and ulcer on the body surface疮疡


番薯疮疡病菌Cytospora batata Elliot

疮疡热膨胀sore thermal expansion

疮疡模型sore model

疮疡科moxibustion of sore

疮疡消法resolving method for sore

疮疡解表法relieving exterior syndrome of

疮疡烦燥restlessness with ulcer

疮疡病{植} plant sore

疮疡补法tonifying therapy for sore

疮疡灸法moxibustion of sore

疮疡清热法treating sore by clearing heat

疮疡祛痰法treating sore by expelling phlegm