

“尽可能的多”对应的英文单词有:as many as possible ,一共1个,具体意思及用法如下:

as many as possible尽可能多


尽可能多的做as much as you do

尽可能多的明天as much tomorrow

尽可能多的as many as possible;as much as possible;as often as possible;as much ..as they can

尽可能多的道具As many of the props;As many props

尽可能多的时间As much time as possible;As much time

尽可能多的哀愁You Cause As Much Sorrow

尽可能多的交通not as much traffic

尽可能多的列表List as many as possible

尽可能多的信息information as possible;As much of the information;As much information as

尽可能多的桃子as many peaches as possible