

“房柱”对应的英文单词有:pillars of a house ,一共1个,具体意思及用法如下:

pillars of a house房柱


房柱开采法chamber and pillar method;chamber and pillar system

房柱法room and pillar system;room and pillar method;Room and pillar;room-pillar method

房柱式room and pillar

房柱式采煤法room and pillar mining;breast and pillar;breast and pillar method;post and stall

房柱式开法board and pillar;bord and pillar work

房柱构造room and pillar structure

房柱式开采room and pillar mining;pillars mining

划分房柱[矿业] multiple openings

房柱式开采法bord and wall method;board and pillar method;heading and stall system;stoop and room

房柱采矿法Mining way in house-post;room-and-pillar stoping