

“离差平方和”对应的英文单词有:sum of squares of deviations ,一共1个,具体意思及用法如下:

sum of squares of deviations离差平方和;差方和


总离均差平方和sum of squares

又称离差平方和法error sum of squares criterion

离差平方和法Ward's method;Ward Linkage;ward's mininum-variance method;Sum of Squares method

圴方是由离差平方和sum of squares

误差项离差平方和SSE;Sum of Squares for Error

水平项离差平方和Sum of Squares for Factor

离均差平方和SS;DEVSQ;sum of squares;sum of sguares of deviation from mean

总离差平方和Sum of Squares for Total;sum of squares total;TSS;Total Sum of Squares