“理顺”对应的英文单词有:harmonious relations between all its parts ,一共1个,具体意思及用法如下:
harmonious relations between all its parts理顺
理顺和广义发展rationalize and generalized development
理顺安瓿straightening ampoule
头发理顺价格霜hair straightening cream price
理顺全球财务Fixing Global Finance
理顺价格体系Straighten out the price system;Rationalising price system;Rationalize the price system
不理顺don't rationalize
理顺商品价格rationalize the prices of commodities
理顺外贸系统体例to rationalize foreign trade regime
理顺关系rationalize the relationship;straightening out relations;clearing relationship;Straighten things out, huh