

“理睬”对应的英文单词有:show interest in、heed the presence of、pay attention to、take notice of ,一共4个,具体意思及用法如下:

show interest in对…有兴趣;理睬

heed the presence of理睬

pay attention to注意

take notice of睬;在意;注意到;理睬


不想理睬Do not want to ignore

不屑理睬shrug off

国安理睬United Nations Security Council

不理睬turn one;ignore;turn one's back on;turn a way

理睬转运transhipment permitted

不予理睬ICMP echo;Unheeded;Ignore;to decide not to do sth, eat sth, etc

理睬我Ignore me

不用理睬I'm trying to get through

安理睬Security Council