“物我”对应的英文单词有: the matter and me 副渔获物我如果你能catch me if you can 物我合一identity of object and self 物我清欢Joy 物我同化fellings and the perceived 购完物叫我一下Finish purchasing call me 物我两忘forget all 三小我物drei Personen 即物我距离egocentric distance与物我相关的短语
“物我”对应的英文单词有: the matter and me 副渔获物我如果你能catch me if you can 物我合一identity of object and self 物我清欢Joy 物我同化fellings and the perceived 购完物叫我一下Finish purchasing call me 物我两忘forget all 三小我物drei Personen 即物我距离egocentric distance与物我相关的短语