

“物价”对应的英文单词有:price ,一共1个,具体意思及用法如下:



物价涨幅the margin of price rise

物价弹性elasticity of price;price elasticity

物价飞涨soaring prices;jump in prices;steep increase in prices;skyrocketing prices;rocketing prices

物价回降price reductions;price decreases

物价波动price fluctuation

物价管制price control

物价补贴subsidies for commodity prices

哄抬物价jack up price;bid up price;Push up price;Price gouging

物价革命price revolution;The Price of Revolution

物价监督小组price supervision groups

物价改革price reform

物价大检查general inspection on commodity prices

物价检查price check

物价调控price rises will be firmly under control

物价问题Price problem

物价膨胀price inflation

物价趋势下降prices tend downwards

抬高物价forceuptheprices;rise in price

物价管理部门price control authorities

物价水准[物价] level of price;[物价] price level

物价上涨pickup in rice;price rises;[物价] Inflation;price hike

物价螺旋price spiral