“增长率”对应的英文单词有:growth rate、rate of increase、rate of rise ,一共3个,具体意思及用法如下:
growth rate生长速度;增长率
rate of increase增长率
rate of rise升压速度;增长率;曲线上升斜率;增长速率
人口加权增长率the population-weighted growth rate
营收增长率Revenue Growth Rate
复合年均增长率CAGR;Compound annual growth rate;DBGR
内禀增长率intrinsic rate of natural increase;Intrinsic rate of increase;innate rate of increase;intrinsic growth rate
总增长率overall growth rate
年增长率[经] annual growth rate;[经] annual rate of increase;annual rate of growth
收益增长率growth rate of earnings
平均增长率[经] average rate of growth;Average growth rate;average rate of increase;equilibrium growth rate
年均增长率average annual growth rate;AAGR;annual rate of growth;annual mean growth rate